Tuesday 2 January 2007

James Morrison - Undiscovered

I know, I thought to myself, why don't I start 2007 with something really shit. So I did.

'Undiscovered' is probably a bit misleading. 'Unmemorable' would be more accurate. People have doubtless discovered James Morrison on any number of occasions. Many of them will discover him again. And again. And again. At no point will they remember discovering him previously. Even if they do, they'll probably just convince themselves that they're confusing him with someone else, which they could well be doing.

James Morrison isn't even a new name. Jim Morrison was completely rubbish, but I'd take him over his namesake any day.

And he's an idiot. He makes 'Last Goodbye' track 12 and there are 13 tracks. It's a schoolboy error really.

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