Thursday 4 January 2007

John Legend - Once Again

Is anyone else astounded and maybe a little bit irritated by the fact that there's somebody wandering around with the surname 'Legend'?

There's quite literally nothing that you could ever do to justify a name like that. If I were John Legend I'd have gone for a much more low-key name. He's okay with the 'John' bit, but I'd have allied it to 'Fiscal-Loss' or 'Batteries Not Included'.

'John Batteries Not Included' is an excellent name. It summons just the right amount of low-key disappointment. You could never be anything other than a pleasant surprise with a name like that. 'John Legend' on the other hand only invites ridicule.

Since as he does invite it, I'd better comply. I'm not feeling particularly insightful today, however, so I'll just settle for: John Legend is a silly name. Very silly.

I'm not sure that constitutes ridicule, but it's the best I can do.

The song titles are all massive downers even if he weren't called John Legend. The only one that stands out from the pack is 'PDA (We Just Don't Care)' a call to arms for all of us who can't bear to hear about some bastard's new gadget that's a bit like a phone and a bit like a computer. It's not impressive any more. It's commonplace. Stop going on about it.

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