Friday 26 January 2007

Magic Numbers - Those The Brokes

Is 'Those The Brokes' a pun? I hate puns I don't get. In fact I hate puns I don't make. All of them. Bastard puns, punning around like they own the place. Get back to Punland and stop taking our jobs and doing our women, you filthy puns!

I don't get Magic Numbers. I thought there was only one magic number: Three. That's what De La Soul told me anyway. So are all of Magic Numbers the number three? Surely if they're all taken as a whole they become a multiple of three. Or maybe 3,333.

This is plainly false, so I decided to do some research. It turns out that three isn't the sole candidate for magicdom. Seven's an alternative. I learnt this from a 1956 paper on cognitive psychology by George A Miller, entitled: "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information".

So there you have it, if we take it that 'plus or minus two' results in five and nine, Magic Numbers comprise three, five, seven and nine.

Mystery solved.

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