Monday 18 December 2006

InMe - White Butterfly

I thought I'd review White Butterfly by InMe on the grounds that they're big with the kids. Unfortunately, due to my reclusive existence, cut off from popular culture, I don't know a thing about them. So I endeavoured to find out.

Turns out there's not much to know. How disappointing. I get the impression that maybe they're a UK band trying to do American rock. That never works. Look at Bush. They're big in the States, sure, but they're crap. And at the end of the day, isn't that what really matters?

No? Okay then. In that case, InMe are away. They're going to conquer the world. At least the world of kids who like boys from Essex pretending they're American. I'm glad I don't live in that world. I'd probably be executed for not feeling their angst.

Say what you like about rocking out with your mates, angrily pogoing until the snakebite rises back up to your oesophagus - it's not as good as watching cricket with a cup of tea, is it?

InMe? What is?

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