Tuesday 6 March 2007

Young Jeezy - The Inspiration: Thug Motivation 102

There's a lot of miscomprehension surrounding Young Jeezy and the songs on this album. I'll endeavour to put you straight.

Still On It: Don't forget that Jeezy is young. Very young. This is a song of triumph. Jeezy hasn't fallen off his bicycle despite his father's removal of his stabilisers. Go, Jeezy! Go!

U Know What It Is: The trick is to wheedle the information out of him stealthily. He'll give clues as to what the horrendous crayon abomination actually depicts. He wants U to Know What It Is. That's the key.

J.E.E.Z.Y: Commend him on his spelling first. Don't discourage him. Once he's happy, tell him that his real name is Jay Jenkins. You'll shatter his fragile confidence if you tell him this straight away.

I Luv It: Now reveal to him that it's a vegetable. He'll see them in a new light. It's step one towards a healthier diet.

3AM: Tell him he has to wait until at least 7am before he can open his presents.

Bury Me a G: Tell him to dig it up again, unless he wants it to say 'Youn Jeezy' on the fridge.

Mr 17.5: Learning about VAT is more fun if you use characters.

I Got Money: Tell him to put it in his piggy bank. If he keeps it long enough without spending it, tell him you'll add 10p. This will teach him the value of saving.

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