Wednesday 21 March 2007

The Aliens - Astronomy For Dogs

I knew it. Aliens are amongst us and they're favouring dogs. First they'll teach them astronomy, then rocket science and finally lasers. They'll give dogs lasers and dogs will come and get us. Bloody aliens.

What else have The Aliens got in store for us? Track two, 'Robot Man', tells you all you need to know. Aliens are going to arm the canines of the world, using them as their foot soldiers. Then, the two groups will combine to overthrow man, before turning him into a hideous cyberman-style abomination. Bloody aliens.

Track one is 'Setting Sun'. The Aliens are probably going to get us cybermen to put the sun out FOREVER. The Aliens won't let the dogs get wind of this, of course, because dogs are reliant on the sun's life-giving rays. The Aliens are just using dogs to destroy humanity. Once they've fulfilled their purpose, The Aliens will first abandon dogs before ultimately destroying them.

Bloody Aliens. First you give them the vote. Next thing you know, they're manipulating dogs to destroy all humanity before betraying their canine underlings without mercy. Bastards.

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