Friday 23 March 2007

Curtis Stigers - Real Emotional

What is a Curtis Stigers?

It seems so familiar, but yet I now realise I know almost nothing about it. What is a Curtis Stigers?

Even the face it's using seems unrecognisable. I thought that it looked like a Michael Bolton, but that's not so distinctive as a Michael Bolton. It looks bland. As soon as I look away, I've forgotten its appearance.

The album by this Curtis Stigers is entitled Real Emotional. The emotions I'm feeling are confusion and faint nausea. Is nausea an emotion? I'm too confused to decide.

My advice to you is make your own Curtis Stigers. Make a good one. Fill it full of love and then send it out into the world to do something memorable. If you can make a Curtis Stigers which can punish a malfunctioning vehicle with its bare hands, people would remember that.

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