Thursday 1 March 2007

The Sisters of Mercy - Merciful Release: First and Last and Always/Floodland/Vision Thing

The Sisters of Mercy's drum machine is called 'Doktor Avalanche'. I'll overlook that offensive K because I think it's kinder to name drum machines rather than having them labour in nameless obscurity.

I also think that it was rather generous of the Sisters of Mercy to give it quite a cool name, considering that the name they'd given themselves made them sound like a bunch of women.

I quite liked one Sisters of Mercy song - The Temple of Love. It appears on this album, which is no surprise because it's a box-set of all three of their albums. With three album's worth of song titles to choose from, you'd think I'd have some decent ammunition for some goth-baiting, but alas, they're all a bit underwhelming.

'Lucretia My Reflection' - this is quite gothy, but I'm never quite sure what gothism entails, so I can't read much more into it.

'Detonation Boulevard' - quite funny in its own right, but not overtly gothy.

'Doctor Jeep' - a worthwhile concept. I'd like to see more GPs replaced by off-road vehicles.

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