Thursday 22 March 2007

The Bees - Octopus

The music world's very animal-centric at the moment. That's a good thing though. I like creatures. I know loads about creatures.

So here are some facts. An octopus can climb inside a jar, if it so chooses. Or maybe that's a squid. I can't remember. I'm not sure what size jar either. I suppose it depends on the size of the octopus.

Here's a bee fact. Bees can fit inside a jar. Several in one jar, if need be. You can use a honey jar if you want to make it homely for them.

These Bees wouldn't fit in a jar, however. They're humans masquerading as bees. Hippies to be precise. At least they look like hippies and what else do you need to go off other than hair quantity when identifying and subsequently treating a hippy?

That's 'treating' in the medical sense, you understand. You should never buy a hippy sweets or any other kind of treat. It'll eat them and then pitch a tent in your back garden. It'll moan about how you work for 'the man' while living off their sizeable inheritance, doing nothing all day.

'Treat' them. Wash them thoroughly. You'll find they're probably substantially smaller than you thought. Then dehair them. At this point, evaluate their size and maybe - just maybe - you'll be able to fit them in a jar after all.

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