Monday 26 February 2007

36 Crazy Fists - Rest Inside The Flames

No! Don't rest inside the flames! Flee! Flee! Rest outside the reach of the flames, where you won't get burnt. Rest at a safe distance.

Is this what passes for advice these days? It's ludicrously irresponsible. Maybe the band really ARE 18 mentalists, keen to give you a pummelling. You'd never get that kind of behaviour from Jim Reeves or Teddy Pendergrass. Now there were some crooners you could set your watch by. I trusted them nearly as much as the Green Cross Code man.

Track two: 'Felt Through a Phone Line'. Either this is a reference to the Brass Eye paedophile episode, where Phillippa Forrester claimed that paedophiles could feel children up via the internet, using a 'special glove'. Either that or it's about phoning for fuzzy felt. We've all done it. Phoned for fuzzy felt, I mean.

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