Monday 2 April 2007

Hawthorne Heights - If Only You Were Lonely

Look at the scary gothic writing. Be afraid. Hawthorne Heights are serious and they show it through their choice of font.

Track two on this album is 'We Are So Last Year', which is apt, because this came out in February 2006. I'm only reviewing it because of another track title.

The track in question is called 'Where Can I Stab Myself In The Ears'. In the ears, man. In the ears. The answer's contained within the question, if you know where to look.

If the band want to stab themselves in the ears, what message does that send to the listening public? This is not great advertising. If I were Hawthorne Heights, I'd have called a song 'Where Can I Get Some Really High-Quality Headphones So That I Can Pick Up Every Nuance Of This Masterpiece Of A Song'.

Of course prior to naming that song, I would of course have ensured that the band was actually good - even if that had necessitated sacking every member, replacing them with members of Funkadelic and renaming them Funkadelic.

1 comment:

vastrap said...

they could stab themselves in the ears in the forest..