Friday 2 November 2007

Santana - Ultimate Santana

Nearly November? It must be time to start releasing all the 'best of' compilations.

People don't want new stuff for Christmas, they want selected highlights of stuff they've already got but handily placed in the same package. This is even more crucial now that everyone dumps everything on some form of MP3 player and sets it to 'random'. If you've got something on there twice, there's double the chance you'll get to hear it.

Ultimate Santana then, which we've twice typed as 'Ultimage' for some reason. Santana is of course famous for meandering guitar twiddling that goes on for hours backed by more percussion than two cymbal factories running into each other and falling over.

This being Ultimate Santana, he's gone even further. Imagine the Big Bang. Imagine every atom expanding at the speed of light is replaced by a bongo or a high hat. Imagine the cacophony.

Now imagine that this goes on for longer than eternity.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Wish Blogger worked well enough that I could actually edit this post and remove the 'nearly' from the start.

But if it's not to be, it's not to be.

Anonymous said...

you can. i re edit my posts all the time. idiot

zurrbl: alien sport

Anonymous said...

Not when there's certain HTML within the post. It just comes up blank when you attempt to edit it.

Withdraw your 'idiot'.

Anonymous said...

Well doesn't that just serve you right for trying to be a clever clogs with all your fancy pants html whatsits? htmarse more like (you see what I did there?)

I'll withdraw my idiot bi instate a smart alec